Travelling Around London...

First of all, I would like to say that travelling around London is grueling, especially when you have to wake before the sun o_O... well anyway, I decided to take the London Overground. I know bad idea... but when I though of it it actually seemed like a good one; to make a long story short, I saw the first bad sign of this... was that it cost £2.57!!! I should have just walked away then and there, another sign was that I was on the opposite platform and the train that I needed was leaving right in front of my eyes!!! So, for the sake of money I went down the stairs and along to the other side and PATIENTLY waited for the train for 30 Mins. Well, the train finally came and I got on, it started off swimmingly, and I saw some places that I had never seen before. It was inspiring... until I got to Wilsden Junction I had to wait 20 mins. I thought the whole idea of trying this out is because it was mean to be cheaper and faster...Ehhh Nah. Well it doesn't end there, I got to Sheperd's Bush and yup, you guess it I had to 'Seek Assistance' so I did and it wasn't pretty. I waited for the 316 and out of all of the time-consuming, wasted time I had, it did not take its time, in fact it was there waiting...Ahh, I guess that's London Transport for you>.<

Skittles... Taste the Rainbow.

It's funny, you those memories that you capture and you put them aside not thinking about when you may come across them again; and when you do, you get this look on your face, you know the look the 'When-was-that?-Ohhh I remember-look' Yeah? Well this happened to me the other day when I came across this photo the other day, it bought back memories of friends, secondary school life, walking home on sunny days and nicknames. It was a fun time...a happy time. That's life, I guess that's why they call them Memories...>.<

Valentines Day or Shmalentines Day??

Went out last Sunday for 'Valantines Day' or more rather my birthday seeing as it was on a weekday and college takes up too much time. Alongside other work and other random time consuming stuff o_O. So my Lovely other half and I a trip around London although the day was rainy and miserable(nothing like English weather(!)) I had a contrasting miserable but good time; I guess that's what Schmalentines Day is for.


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