Came across this while doing my research for my report...I know not the right order but at least I got it in there!!>.<

I Love This Song!!

Whenever I hear this song, it just makes me so happy because it speaks about a relationship and a girl giving all to the boy she loves; "anything" and it just reminds me of my relationship>.<


Yo I don't know

What you do when you do what you do boy

But baby baby baby baby

I don't even care no more

You've got me so

Caught up in ya spell, it's voodoo boy

Well baby baby baby babe

I wanna be there for sure

Cause every time that we rendezvous

I don't wanna go back home

And every time that I'm holding you

There ain't no way to let you go

You're shining down boy the game is through

I don't wanna play no more

Cause the only one that I want is you

So tell me what you wanna do because baby

Cause I just can't stay away

There's nothing that I can do

And baby you can have your way

Just as long as I can have you

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

Now I've been told

That you got you a few and you ain't sure

But baby baby baby baby

You gon wanna let em go

Cause I've been sold

On you, I don't check for dues no more

Cause baby baby baby baby

You the way I wanna roll

Cause every time that we rendezvous

I don't wanna go back home

And every time that I'm holding you

There ain't no way to let you go

You're shining down boy the game is through

Listen I don't wanna play no more

Cause the only one that I want is you

So tell me what you wanna do because baby

Cause I just can't stay away

There's nothing that I can do

And baby you can have your way

Just as long as I can have you

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

I'm down anything, boy you and me

It's the way you know it's supposed to be

Cause I would do anything for you baby

I'm down anything, boy you and me

Should be doin what comes naturally

Baby cause I

Cause I just can't stay away

There's nothing that I can do

And baby you can have your way

Just as long as I can have you

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

Cause I just can't stay away (Ooh no)

There's nothing that I can do

And baby you can have your way

Just as long as I can have you

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

And I'd do anything baby, do anything for ya

Being Human Is Finished :(

Being Human is finished. Now we all have to wait till season three to hear more about Ghosts, Werewolf and Vampires...I love George(the one in the middle)>.<

Sooo Stressed Out!!

Kinda self explanatory>.<


Fujimoto's Cube

I sit and look at you my friend,

and marvel at your being.

From one perfection to another.

From the anonymity and illusion of the plane,

to the reality of the cube.

Yet the two are one;

it is time and space that have changed.

I sit and look at you, my friend,

and wonder at your perfection

All is needed, nothing is wasted.

And what a journey from one perfection to another!

An instant of magic when anonymity changes to reality.

When the plane becomes a cube,

When nothingness becomes reality,

with shape and space and meaning

Here is the mystery of our art.

Facebook Groups Are Soo Funny

The groups of Facebook are so funny; it's like the whole of humanity's thoughts are encapsulated in them and when you see them you say 'I do that' or 'I know that' and it's rather quite amazing. But as the time has gone on, the novelty has kind of worn of although it's still quite amaxing to see what comes up next>.<

Sims 3-I lost It...

Cut a long story short, I bought this for Christmas, Installed in on the PC which was a nightmare because the computer had a virus, when I installed in everything went swimmingly until the virus started beck up again and we had to get a new operating system. All the stuff got wiped and I'm not sure if Sims did too :/ So basically I haven't played it since...>.<

Windows 7... World's Greatest Invention...For Now!!

I Love the new Windows operating system it's so efficient, it beats Vista. It's colourful ans I love the 'Snap' feature...'I'm a PC and think is Windows 7'>.<

Sky...What Would I Do Without It??

This is the Sky TV Guide, I love Sky, I honestly do not know what I would do with current, modern TV because I would be really bored. Thanks Sky Digital for making my life just a bit more bearable>.<

Hope I Get What I'm Looking For!!

Results day is this week and I worked and revised extremely hard...I hope I get what I'm looking for>.<

Trains, Travel and Locomotion...Yawn!!

The work is boring but we have fun in class>.<

Feeling A Bit Blue...

This is Piglet...Actually DwayniePig and I have had him since I was 12. He is a comfortor and a hot water bottle that can make me feel better in any situation...I Love him>.<

Shopping With Shanei

This is my cousin Shanei and I love her very much even though I would never tell her that. She's very hyperactive when she get going and would do anything I ask of her because she's my big cousin and she love me; we are very close and I don't think (touch would) would ever drift apart because we are the same age, we do the same things and even though we are different in personalities. I Love You!!>.<

Your My Pride And Joy...But Your So Much Hassle!!

I got this phone in October and ever since it has been a hassle. On the first day I had to take it back because i thought it wasn't charging properly, then the bill has been run up multiple time and the network provider tried to say that they gave all of the information that I needed when the didn't even say anything about video calls. Gosh>.<

Nonna And Nanice.

This is my favourite aunt, we get on soo well and are always making fun out of each other. The names 'Nonna' and 'Nanice' came from a little girl my mum used to look after that we were all very close to and whenever she said my aunt, ny cousin or my name, she would say it with an 'N' and my aunt started to call my cousin 'Nanei' and me 'Nanice' and I called her 'Nonna'>.<

Well...It Was My Birthday Too!!

My cousin and I have a birthday a day apart and he decided to have a gathering. It was fun, and we got to see family but when it was time to same happy birthday, no one wanted to sing to me...they all had to in the end anyway because my uncle made them all. Hahaha!!>.<

Just One Of Those Days...Boring College!!

I feel like this alot...but I don't do this alot:/ Well anyway, the picture speaks for itself>.<

New Addition

This is my nephew when he was just born. He in now 5 months and I love him to pieces>.<


Me at 2007 Notting Hill Carnival. I had such a great time and it was my first time in a carnival band; the atmosphere was great the sun was shining and I have literally never, ever seen so many people in one place in my life. It was also the first time I had been to West London.

Hansom Amari

This is Amari. He is lovely, tiresome little boy but nevertheless very, very loving. We are close because he was looked after by his aunt (my mum) from 4 months till he was 3 years old and he was literally like my baby brother even though he had his own sister. When he was a baby and he cried, we would put the Alicia Keys CD on, and he instantly stopped>.<

Nonna's Wedding.

This was my aunt's wedding in 2008. It was a lovely ceremony and very emotional especially since her and her partner had been together for a while. I haven't been to many weddings and was happy to be apart of her although it was difficult to organise>.<

Yay Snow Day...Then We All Got Bored Of Snow.

This was the snow day in 2009 that we all fell in love with... unfortunately we all fell out in 2010>.<

You Wanna Photograph Me As A Liberian...But You Have You Got Your Camera Doe'?

I loved work experience it was relly fun. I meet alot of people and I got on with my team extremely well; whn my teacher came to cheack up on me she was suppose to take a picture and report back to the school. Well...she forgot her camera and had to ask me for mine...ahh well that's life I guess>.<

Why Haven't I Got That that Back Yet?!

This is the mirror frame I made a Secondary school. I was very proud of it even though it wasn't my original concept, I was still very proud of it...but I still haven't gotten it back yet!>.<

What A Waste Of An Outfit!!

So me and my cousin were going to one of her friend's party and the theme was funky and colourful. So we went shopping and got all of the stuff, it was a complete hassle. So it was the of the party and I got all of my stuff ready and I went to me cousin's house and we were dropped off. I was RUBBISH!! It was cramped, hot and the DJ kept string and stopping the songs...Ah well, never again>.<

Salad Fingers

This is sooo funny...anyone for some peas??>.<

Mummy Why??

The other day, my niece was talking to her mother and came out with the question "Mummy, why does Dora get to go out by herself?" I start laughing as usual, then my sister nudges me and say back to her "Because Dora doesn't really go out by herself, she has Boots Backpack and Camera men watching her all the her mum is probably watching her at home on TV" Hilarious>.<

Miss Mouthy

My niece is oh so mouthy. Only 6 years old and a terror; she answer back something chronic even when she knows she's wrong and doesn't even say sorry...I'm sure she forgets that I'm here aunt because everyday is an argument. But nevertheless she loves me dearly, and I love her too>.<


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